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Dungeons and Dragons Adventurers' Club (D&D)

I have a confession to make: when I founded this club my sophomore year I did so fully expecting someone else to know how to play DnD. It was a desperate bid to make some friends, and maybe have a good time along the way, whether or not I actually knew how to play DnD was inconsequential, I thought, someone else surely would. They did not. The club was founded, and no one actually knew how to play DnD. 3 years later, and that's still pretty much true. Sure, we definitely have a fair few more pages of the PHB memorized, and there are more than a few of us that can rattle off every town on the Menagerie coast, but every time I sit down at the table to play something new, unexpected, and exciting happens.


Contact Information:

Sponsor: Johnathan Monk

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